Google has been a little sneaky lately – isn’t it always? They have begun to roll out a new platform for your My Business dashboard. This is really a whole new design update intended to make it easier for the user to manage your business, especially if you have multiple locations.

So what should you expect with this new design? For one thing, you’ll have the nifty option of switching between views (seen in the image). You can choose to view your businesses in card format, or in list format. The list version makes editing multiple pages at once much easier than ever before. You’ll also have easier access to error messages with your pages. If there is something wrong with the listing, Google will give you an alert within the dashboard here. You also have the option at the top of your dashboard to view your “Locations” or your “Brand Pages,” but if you’re like many of our clients, you only have your one brick and mortar location anyways.But how do you get to your old dashboard for the individual page? Easy! Just click on the “Manage Location” link beneath your business name and you’ll be brought to a new dashboard for the individual page that is very much the same as it ever was. You’ll now find all your editing links across the top menu bar, though. Some changes have been implemented in photos, although minor. We’ve found a few glitches, but assume that Google will be working those out in the near future.

And a big new feature that we’re excited for you about is easy access to support. Google has always been notoriously secretive about its access to support help, but now you can get to this easily via a drop down menu in the upper left hand of the dashboard. This will help you with any issues you have much more quickly than ever before. Of course, if you’re having trouble, please don’t hesitate to contact us as well! That’s what we’re here for, after all.

Don’t see the update yet? That’s okay! Google will be rolling this out in stages, so you may not see the changes yet. It just gives you some extra time to prep.

Stay tuned for a video tour of the new dashboard and its features – and be sure to let us know of any questions you have!

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