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Did you know that 306 billion emails are generated each day and that number is expected to increase to 361 billion by the end of 2024? With such massive amounts of email sent daily, businesses and nonprofits often wonder if they are still effective. Do they generate revenue? Are they even opened?

Despite the increasing use of social media, email continues to dominate the marketing space for its ability to reach targeted consumers directly, convert prospects into patrons, create repeat-customers, and enhance brand loyalty. Organizations big and small – from multinational brands to local nonprofits – continue to use email marketing successfully as part of their digital marketing strategy.

When you invest in email marketing, you want to know that every dollar you spend is growing the bottom line. With a return on investment of $42 for every $1 spent, email marketing is a proven, cost-effective marketing tool. More than 60 percent of consumers who use email say they have made a purchase as a result of email marketing. 

As a certified Constant Contact Partner, we can manage your email marketing, help you reach your target audience, and get the results you need. Contact us today to get started.

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